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Barn & Track

Highlighting talent in the
horseracing community.


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Rocco Bowen

Horse Racing

Meet Derek Headley

As a creative thinker I am constantly finding ways to do something better, different, or just plain ole just doing something.  


I believe that the only way to do something is to just do it!  I choose to do it.

Whether it is blogging journals or making videos, I get a really good thrill from creating something from scratch and watching it grow.


As a young man I was fascinated with the making of television ads and the level of creativity that was used to capture the attention of families while having dinner or during a commercial break of their favourite TV show.


I grew up dirt poor.  For the first 16 years of my life, living in Barbados, I was a sponge soaking up everything I set my eyes on. It was there that I was introduced to horses and frequently visited the stable of Sir Charles O. Williams.  I always had people around me riding horses or working with the horses but I was just a keen observer who was fascinated with the look and strength of the horses.


In my younger days I played many sports, soccer being the main one.  I always kept eyes on the big racehorse events and I enjoyed watching the Derbys and hearing the stories of how the horses made it to the main events. 

Derek Headley DmanFromProspect FuhTrute Founder

I cheered on from a distance and it was always a thrill going to the track with my friends.


Barn and Track started in 2016 with journals on my blog.  During that time I did a lot of experimenting and it was fun learning how to handicap horses and watching my picks lose.


After many years of watching and silently being involved, I have decided to do more and see where I can help. My mission is to bring attention to the horse racing world and support the growth of the young men and women involved who spend many hours doing something they love with little reward.


Bringing attention to the sport and placing a renewed value to horse racing is my focus which I hope you will enjoy.

Watch The Show
Wild Icelandic Horses

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